Sammy the senior adventurecat

Handsome Sammy suddenly lost his elderly cat mom but their kind neighbors stepped in to make sure he was cared for until he could come to Happy Cats. At 16 […]

Blissful Bliss

Blissful Bliss

Bliss came to us when a kind employee at a county shop found her wandering in the machinery and chemicals, unfazed. They were worried she was going to get seriously hurt. It turns out she already was. Upon intake, our Medical Assistant Ben noticed there was something...

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Boots is living the life!

Boots is living the life!

Boots was such an adorable kitten in 2013, along with her brothers Frisky and Cooper. She was adopted to a guardian with Frisky just in time for Christmas. She must have gotten out and lost somehow, because we got a call that winter from the Humane Society that one of...

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Kiki the Survivor

Kiki the Survivor

Kiki is definitely a survivor. This big, sweet tabby lady had been turned into a local shelter after surviving a house fire. It was so bad that her poor little ears were burned and curled with scar tissue. Then she was rescued from their euthanasia list by a local...

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Ziggy & Zorro, the Stache Bros

Ziggy & Zorro, the Stache Bros

Ziggy & Zorro have got to be the most handsome Stache Bros on the planet! They came to Happy Cats when their busy family was running out of time to give them the love they needed. It didn't help that Ziggy had been diagnosed with diabetes and the medication was...

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Dolly Parton loves Dean Martin

Dolly Parton loves Dean Martin

Skipper is a beautiful silver tabby girl with huge green eyes. She came to us from the crisis in Pueblo, a terrified little cat covered with dirt and feces. She was even too scared to use the litterbox, which accounted for the soiling in her carrier. After our Cat...

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Rosie still loves Carter

Rosie still loves Carter

Rosie and Carter were brought to us by some kind dog rescuers with their brother Cash and their mom June. They had tried to paper train the kittens, so when they got to us and were shown a litter box, it was if they all said "Finally!" as they happily scratched away....

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More purrs for Jacob

More purrs for Jacob

Jacob is a big lovable cat with a purr that resonates across the room. He was rescued from the euthanasia list at another shelter. A true cat hero, he spent time donating blood so other cats across the country could live. He was an easy-going guy who got along with...

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Helix and Tysen

Helix and Tysen

Helix and his adopted sister were surrendered when their very active family moved out of the country. He had been especially bonded to his catmom and his tabby sister Ava, and was very sad when they moved. After several weeks, it became clear to us that Ava was just...

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Murphy’s new life

Murphy’s new life

A pretty longhaired senior kitty named Mama came to us when her guardian couldn't care for her anymore, afraid to let her out of her room because of the dog. We renamed her Gianna to give her a fresh start. She needed medication for her hyperthyroidism, a common...

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