Ziggy: The Missing Piece

Why Ziggy Is the Best Cat You’ve Never Met (Yet) Meet Ziggy—the cat who stole the hearts of his family and became the missing puzzle piece they didn’t even know […]

Look at you, Lucy Lou!

Look at you, Lucy Lou!

Senior Lucy came to us when her elderly guardian couldn't care for her any more. She'd grown up with a sister, but had lost her 8 years before, becoming increasingly withdrawn. She came with her very own cat tree and spent lots of time in it, observing the action in...

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Luna & Bear: meant to be

Luna & Bear: meant to be

Stunning Masha is one of the rare blue-eyed cats who isn't deaf. She'd been surviving for a year in an alley where she was abandoned. Neighbors had been feeding her and caught her kittens but left her outside. The day our TNR Coordinator Barb went to trap her, it was...

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Gabbi finds her voice

Gabbi finds her voice

Back in November of 2019, a hungry little brown tabby lady showed up on the doorstep of a good Samaritan family. But after they got her fed and warm, they noticed there was something wrong with her back end. Even though she was scared, she timidly rubbed on their...

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Joey gets a big brother

Joey gets a big brother

Last summer, we asked for help on Facebook for a little kitten named Clara, whose right eye looked like something out of nightmares. Our veterinarian thought it would have to be removed. Through the kindness of our Facebook friends, we raised enough to pay for the...

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Joseph’s boys

Joseph’s boys

Fergus and Kiaran were born in a motel room that housed several adult humans and at least 8 other cats. Their mom did her best to protect them from the drug-dealing chaos, but one of their siblings had died by the time we got them in. But they thrived in foster care....

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Snapdragon & Poppy

Snapdragon & Poppy

Rescued off the street as tiny orphans, sisters Snapdragon and Poppy share the colors of their soft pastel and gray tortoiseshell fur. They had loving care with one of our foster families and were adopted to a family with very excited children. Times change and we...

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Luxe life

Luxe life

We rescued a young momcat last spring and one of our longtime foster families took her in, naming her April Showers. Within days, she had 4 beautiful babies. One of them started out completely white. This was a concern at first, because of his blue eyes (white cats...

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To Karen with love

To Karen with love

Teeny Bette came in from a hoarding situation and needed a little TLC at first. The smallest of her litter, her brothers quickly outgrew her. She started to hang out by herself to keep safe from their antics. It made her foster family sad to watch her unable to join...

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A friend for Freddy

A friend for Freddy

Eddie came to Happy Cats from a situation with too many cats. Before that, he was rescued from someone who had labeled him "worthless." One of Eddie's eyes was damaged, so he was very sensitive about anyone approaching him from that direction. That made him wary of...

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