Whether your kitten comes from a shelter or a breeder or the family down the street, it's very common for the stress of moving to trigger an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI). Just like us, their bodies can have a virus that doesn't emerge until a stressful event...
Cat Food: What Should I Feed My Cat
We get this question quite often at Happy Cats. We have a comprehensive list of ingredients to look for and avoid here. The biggest factors on this list are the quality of the protein and avoiding known toxic ingredients. The fact is, there are few foods on the market...
Cat Food Ingredients: What to Feed & What to Avoid
You are what you eat. So are your cats. Our experience is that much illness can be prevented and/or healed with proper feline nutrition. This is not a substitute for proper medical care but a partner in your cat's health. Cats are obligate carnivores. This means they...
Don’t Let Allergies Steal Your Cat!
Happy Cats recently received this phone question: My son has had his cat Rusty since he was a toddler. Suddenly, my son has developed severe allergies to his cat. Rusty is an important part of our family. Is there anything we can do to help our son and keep Rusty too?...
Oh Poop: Feline Diarrhea Solutions
Research at Ohio State University in 2011 proved that it doesn't take much to get a cat off his or her regular routine. In fact, all it took was a change in caretakers for many of their cats to become ill. As Tony Buffington, the lead researcher, says, "Cats are not a...
Cat Food & Water: Where & How
As pet parents, it warms our hearts to see our cats doing things together, like eating, sleeping and grooming. However, cats don't hunt together in the wild. It doesn't take a pack of cats to catch an insect or rodent, their main prey. Cats instinctively remove their...
Why Does My Cat Do That?
Experts think dogs have been domesticated for around 10,000 years. It's estimated that cats have been domesticated half to a third of that time. As pack animals, dog survival depends on being able to understand the communications of their pack mates. Dogs have...
Tuna Jerky Recipe
One of the biggest challenges to training a cat is finding the right treat. It's not enough the bag screams CAT TREAT...what matters is that your cat thinks it is! We try commercial cat treats here at Happy Cats, but the ones that most cats and kittens really go for...