Are you one of the majority of cat parents who dreads taking their cat to the vet? Most of us know when our cats are stressed, which is stressful for us too. A good vet visit starts well before arrival, so things will go more smoothly if you consider your cat's...

Just say NO to cat allergies: new solutions
It’s that time of the year when allergies can strike any of us, even those who desperately want a feline friend. Doctors often grab the easiest solution to cat allergies and recommend that people give up their cats. Fortunately, there are many options for treating cat...
Who are you & what did you do to my friend? Repairing vet & groomer visits
Dear Ms Kitty, I recently had to take my longhaired cat Duncan to the vet to be groomed. He had lesions under his mats that had to be stitched, so he came back with a lion cut and a cone. His brother Gibbs didn’t seem to recognize him and now they are fighting! What...
Tame the floof! Grooming tips for longhaired cats
Dear Ms Kitty, My longhaired cat Loki often gets matted. I took him to a groomer and now he’s so scared he doesn’t want to come out from under the bed. How can I prevent his matting so he doesn’t have another bad experience like that? - Floofy in Frisco Dear Floofy,...
Cries for help: when to see a vet
Dear Ms Kitty, It seems like my senior cat Gus is losing weight. He has also been vomiting more than usual. It’s hard to afford the vet right now, bbut is this serious enough I should take him in? Concerned in Cascade Dear Concerned, Times are tough right now for most...
Stay hydrated, my friends: cats vs water
Dear Ms. Kitty, My cat wants to drink from my kitchen faucet. I want her to get enough water but don't want her in the sink and I don't want to waste precious water. I have a dish with water but don't see her drink from it very often. Perplexed in Pueblo Dear...
Raising kittens & busting myths
Dear Ms. Kitty, We want to adopt a kitten, or a pair of kittens. We haven't had a kitten in our family and I want to make sure we understand how to care for one before we make this decision. Can you give me some rules for raising a kitten to be a friendly, happy cat?...
Helping elder parents keep their cats
Dear Ms. Kitty, My mom is 80 and she lives alone with her two cats. I live out of state and worry that she can't care for them adequately, but I can only visit a few times a year. She doesn't want to give them up as they give her lots of company. Do you have any...
Medicating Your Cat: Not as Daunting as You Think
Dear Miss Kitty, We just found out Muffin, our cat of 12 years, needs medication. Everything written about medicating a cat sounds very difficult and frustrating. Muffin is usually pretty chill, but there is no possibility of shoving a pill her down her throat or...