It’s that time of the year when allergies can strike any of us, even those who desperately want a feline friend. Doctors often grab the easiest solution to cat allergies and recommend that people give up their cats. Fortunately, there are many options for treating cat...

Stay hydrated, my friends: cats vs water
Dear Ms. Kitty, My cat wants to drink from my kitchen faucet. I want her to get enough water but don't want her in the sink and I don't want to waste precious water. I have a dish with water but don't see her drink from it very often. Perplexed in Pueblo Dear...
Raising kittens & busting myths
Dear Ms. Kitty, We want to adopt a kitten, or a pair of kittens. We haven't had a kitten in our family and I want to make sure we understand how to care for one before we make this decision. Can you give me some rules for raising a kitten to be a friendly, happy cat?...
Courage for your Cowardly Lion
Dear Ms Kitty, My cat Fitz is the perfect loving and happy companion until my friends come over. Then he hides so much, it's like I don't even have a cat! And don't get me started on what July fireworks or Halloween commotions do. How can I help him be brave so they...
Stop kitty stress with natural solutions
Dear Miss Kitty, We got a new couch for Christmas. When we moved out the old one, our cat Rosco went into hiding. He still hasn't come out. What can we do to get our cat back? Hiding in Hotchkiss Dear Hotchkiss, Many situations can stress your feline friend. Anything...
Secrets for a Healthy Cat
Dear Ms. Kitty, A good friend recently had to rush her 6-year-old cat to the ER when she returned home and found him unresponsive. They did emergency surgery and after a week of intensive care the cat died. She didn't even know her cat was sick! Is there a way to...
Feeding Your Cat: Make It a Puzzle!
Dear Ms. Kitty, I have a 4-year-old male cat who is overweight. My vet recommends I put him on a diet. He currently eats dry kibble whenever he wants. My concern is that restricting his meals will increase his bad behavior. He already scratches my couch, gets on the...
Ask Ms Kitty Articles
Along with our Ask Ms Kitty Helpline, we offer articles to help you solve your cat or kitten's problems (and help your cat or kitten solve their people problems too)! Check out our recent articles here: Raising happy kittens: myth & truth Courage for your Cowardly...
Cat boarding or cat sitting?
Life can get very scary for cats when their family suddenly disappears. Cats are creatures of habit, so keeping their environment as familiar as possible is the best way to have happy cats while you are away…and possibly give them a little vacation too! Everything...