by Happy Cats Haven | Jul 14, 2023
Howdy, I’m Ringo! I’m a sleek black panther lady of about 7 months old with deep amber eyes. I came to Happy Cats from a partner shelter where I was rescued from trying to survive outside as a wee kitten. I’m a Party Animal through & through, always...
by Haley Hunter | Jul 14, 2023
Izzy Well, hi! I’m Izzy! I’m an adorable little silver tabby girl with big yellow eyes. I came to Happy Cats when my humans were no longer able to care for me. I’m now looking for a loving forever home of my very own! I’m a total Party Animal!...
by Happy Cats Haven | Jul 13, 2023
Hi, I’m Applejax! I’m a sweet orange tabby chap with striking green eyes. I came to Happy Cats when I was rescued off the streets, which you can tell by my tipped ear badge of courage. I’m so happy to be safe and loved, and I’m ready for a nice...
by Haley Hunter | Jul 12, 2023
Well, hi! I’m Frost! I’m a very handsome gray boy with lovely yellow eyes. I was brought to Happy Cats when I was found abandoned outside. I’m so much happier now that I know I’m safe, and I’m ready to find a loving forever home of my...
by Happy Cats Haven | Jul 11, 2023
Have you ever had that joyful experience of finally getting a shy cat to lean into petting with love? Patches and Skeeter are looking for a Superhero just like you! Sweet little brown tabby Skeeter was rescued as a starving kitten from a trash company where he was...
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