Fiona is a joy to the family!

We got a rescue kitty earlier this year, who has been very rambunctious and we knew she needed a playmate; hence, after a lot of searching, we ran across Fiona, a tiger stripped/Bengal at Happy Cats Haven who stole our heart. She has fit into our home well and gets...

Murray Lasagna and DaVinci

Murray Lasagna Nelson Murray, formerly Lasagna, has been with us since early October. We have 3 other cats in our home and read books about how to help everybody get along better before adopting Mr. Murray. So, he had his own “safe room” in our office for...

Zoey, Queen of the Castle (fka Maebe)

Zoey (aka Maebe) has continued to charm everyone she meets. Although she has been part of our family for over 6 months now, Zoey’s personality keeps coming out more and more each day. She was never a shy cat, but now she is the most loving, affectionate,...

Murray likes the iPad

Murray is so playful. The Friskies cat games on the iPad are hilarious to watch him play! He looks behind the screen to find out where the bugs went! Laura Nelson