Starson is adopted!

Starson is adopted!

MEW! The name is Starson and I am a handsome panther boy with visible striping in my black fur and big open golden eyes. My siblings and I were rescued in an alley where the rescuer found our mother passed away at 5 weeks old. We were all doing fine at first but then...
Thimble is adopted!

Thimble is adopted!

Hello everyone! My name is Thimble and I am a handsome little tabby boy with soft grey stripes and a silver coat! My eyes are a pale gold that could melt the coldest of hearts! I’m one of the Sewing Kittens at Happy Cats, along with my siblings Cotton and Silk....
Rainbow is adopted!

Rainbow is adopted!

Hi fans, I’m Rainbow! I’m one of the Oz Kittens here at Happy Cats, along with my brother Wizard! Like him, I’m a handsome little brown tabby girl but I’m the one with the luscious classic tabby swirls on my sides. I came here when my family...
Teeny is adopted!

Teeny is adopted!

Nice to meet you, I’m Teeny! I’m one of the silver lady Glampers here at Happy Cats. We were rescued after living outside with a kind man who took care of us. You can see by my tipped ear badge of courage that I’m a survivor…but a very sweet...
Joey is adopted!

Joey is adopted!

Hi there, I’m Joey! I’m one of the deep espresso Glampers here at Happy Cats. We were rescued after living outside with a kind man who took care of us. You can see by my tipped ear badge of courage that I had a rough start but I’m catching up fast! I...