One of the biggest challenges to training a cat is finding the right treat. It's not enough the bag screams CAT TREAT...what matters is that your cat thinks it is! We try commercial cat treats here at Happy Cats, but the ones that most cats and kittens really go for...

Clicker Training Basics
Clicker training is not your Grandpa's obedience training. You don't force the cat to do anything. You partner with your cats so they choose to do the behavior instead of being coerced, which makes them think and learn for themselves. That's why we call it Clicker...
Clicker Play for Cats
It used to be thought the word cat and the word training didn't go together. Most older books on cats will tell you it's too difficult or not even possible. Back then, training meant punishing to stop a behavior, not teaching to create new and better ones. A Little...
Clicker Cheat Sheet
Clicker training sets up a contract between you and the cat: if they do certain things, they get a click then a treat. Cat translation: If I do certain things, I can train my human to give me treats...Sweet! TWO CLICKER RULES: 1. The click marks the behavior, telling...
How to Help Your Cat’s Fear of Vets
Are you one of those people who hate taking their cat to the veterinarian? You're not alone. Research says that 38% of people with cats get stressed just thinking about a vet visit. Most people say their cats hate going to the vet even more than they fear taking them....
TNRCare: helping outside cats & kittens
It all starts with a glimpse of a dark shape, maybe a flash of eyes in the night. You wait patiently. You put out food. Soon the fearful cat you’ve glimpsed becomes a common sight. Soon, you have more than one. Soon, there are raucous sounds of cats in love. Soon, you...
How to Leash Train Your Cat
Yes, many cats can be trained to walk on a leash! Like anything else, cats need gentle instruction to learn do something that's foreign to them. We hear people say they've tried harnesses or walking jackets and their cat doesn't like them. Cats who have never...
Declawing: Before You Take Away Their Claws
Please get the facts if you are considering declawing! Cats are born with the claws nature intended them to have: They scratch to tell other cats about their territory with scent instead of using aggression or marking. Cats need claws to stretch and strengthen their...
How to move with your cat
Dear Ms. Kitty, We got an offer we couldn't refuse for our house and now we have to move. How do we keep our cat Buster from getting so scared during the move? Dear Reader, So you've found your new home; the papers are signed and you're moving in 30 days. Now is the...