Hi world, I’m Echo! I’m a sleek black pantherette who’s ready to add some love to your life. I came to Happy Cats when my people couldn’t care for me any more.
I’m a confident little lady and will probably make an excellent Kitty Secretary once I’m in my new home. I want to be wherever my favorite people are, trading purrs for pets. When things get quiet, I love snuggling in on laps too!
At about 2 years old, I’m still a playful panther, ready to pounce and leap whenever you get out the cat wands! You can see that I like to keep myself fit and sleek.
I get along with some cats but tend to be a little bossy, so it would be best if any new cat friends were mellow boy cats and not another kitty like me. Because after all, how could they compete with such an elegant, loving little creature like me 😻? I’ll probably do best in a home without the noise and activity of small children or dogs.
I can be adopted for $80, which includes my spay, vaccinations, microchips, food and litter starter kits, and a free well-kitty checkup with one of our wonderful partner vets to help you get started.
If you are interested in me, you can tap here to fill out an Adoption Application or leave a message at 719-725-4970. Someone should get back to you during our adoption hours Wednesday – Sunday by 5 pm . If you need to contact someone more quickly, please call 719-362-4600 and we’ll do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.