Not every cat gets to have her very own cat TV just on the other side of their door! Petite tortie Jolene was a shy catolescent who blossomed into a beautiful, floofy cat with the help of one of our wonderful foster families.
Her Floofiness had a rough start on the street and needed a little more encouragement once she got to Happy Cats. Our OnSite Behavior team pitched in to help with her confidence until she could find her perfect catmom, Sharon.
Sharon says Jolene will vanish and then suddenly reappear. She has nicknamed her Shabba Jolene because Shabba is the Arabic word for ghost or shadow.
She says, “Jolene has a nice gig with me. I have cat toys and she has good cat food, fancy feast, and deluxe bathroom accommodations.
My house is a smaller apartment directly connected to the main house. My landlords have two cats and they can see each other through the glass.
They keep each other entertained!”