Merry Christmas from Salida


Salida was left behind with our friends at Colorado CATS Boarding when her guardian was unable to care for her anymore. At 15, she was in her mid-70s in human years.

She had already lived a full life and was happy to tell you about it. With a kidney condition stabilized by diet, she just needed that special someone to dote on her in her golden years.

It took a few months, but along came James. Even though he’d lost his last cat to kidney failure, he couldn’t help but fall in love with this aristocratic elder lady. He sends us this wonderful message from her…

Merry Christmas to Carole and all my friends at Colorado Cats! I miss you sincerely, but my life change has brought me new happiness to me and my new caretaker Jim. I have graduated out of the ‘safe room’ (master bedroom) and now get to follow Jim into the living room, family room and kitchen. It’s such a big area, at first overwhelming, but I have become very comfortable in My new house.

There are lots of places to relax, with rugs and soft blankets strategically placed all around. I haven’t explored everything, I am sure there is a basement to this house, but so far its off limits.

Jim seems pretty knowledgeable, for a human. He has provided me with a really nice litter box that is very easy to get in and out of, no climbing or having to be a contortionist. I have become used to all the house noises, except for that tv thing, not too sure about that. My friend or foe brain sometimes just can’t decide.

As you can see from the picture I really like my new banana, its by far my favorite toy, it was a present from Jim’s brother in Detroit, they have excellent catnip!

I really enjoy nite nite time. Sometimes Jim is late and I will have to go find him in his recliner. The reminder always works, then I get lots of attention, brushing, and a few treat morsels to end the day. I like to sleep with Jim on his really big king size bed, but I think he knows that I mix sleep time with some private explore time.

To sum up I want everyone to know I am enjoying my new home, but of all the amenities here, the most important are to feel safe and to fell loved, and that is indeed the case.

Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year to All….


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