Skittles & Dexter are adopted!


Kitty Admin, Snuggle Bunny




Not available

Adoption Fee

Not available

Meet Skittles and Dexter, a very special bonded pair. Skittles is a beautiful silver tabby lady with eyes akin to peridot. Dexter is a hunky orange tabby gent with neat white markings and golden color eyes.

Skittles and Dexter each came to us after being rescued from outside life by separate Good Samaritans.

We expect both cats to demonstrate purrfect kitty admin qualities, ready to meet you at the door and follow you around, then snuggle on or next to your lap when you need kitty therapy too. They love their people and will let you know they want to be petted by rubbing on your toes or shoes.

Dexter is just a full blown honey and will never say now to a good pet, although he does appreciate when you stay on the side of his cheeks and under his chin, as he has a sensitive back. He also does best if you don’t reach over his head to pet him as that can trigger the scary things that happened to him outside. Sometimes, he will makes gentle biscuits on your fingertips as he reaches out to you, but never with claws!

As a sidecar kitty, he has an affinity for snoozing next to you or your lap as a love language. When he is not next to you, he will be up high, watching out a window or watching the goings on at home.

Skittles is super treat motivated, loving squeezy treats. She also LOVES to be brushed and will give you lots of purrs in return. She has been known to love bird TV and every time you meet her eyes, she says “I love you” with some slow blinks. She leans in hard for neck scratches and has a propensity to roll over for you.

Both kitties still certainly love their playtime and look forward to it each day. Skittles, especially, when you get out the kitty wands! Once in a while you find Dex can entertain himself too and he love fuzzy balls, mice and pompoms of all kinds. Although, he is more found of watching Skittles play.

This pair of gentle souls will do best in a quieter home with no active children or dogs.

This pair is looking for adopters that own their home and do not plan on taking their kitties traveling. They love their catio at Happy Cats and hope that someday, they can have a catio of their very own at home as well. But as long as they have some good windows, they will be content.

You can adopt them for $135 for the pair which includes their Spay/Neuter, vaccinations, microchips, food and litter starter kit, and a free well-kitty checkup to help you get started.

You can tap here to fill out an Adoption Application or leave a message at 719-725-4970. Someone should get back to you during our adoption hours Wednesday – Sunday by 5 pm . If you need to contact someone more quickly, please call 719-362-4600 and we’ll do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.