Meeeoow, purr, purr! My name is Indigo and am a lovable mostly black tuxedo boy.
I’m a little bit shy at first, but will come out purring and let you pet me as soon as I feel safe. I’m very loving to adult humans and other kitties; and I would probably be buds with human kids and cat-loving dogs as well. I lean into pets and love chin scratches, you will hear me purring with happiness.
As your best Kitty Admin, I will follow you around and ‘help’ you with whatever chores you are doing. After the hard work, we will need a break for play time with wand toys and then snuggle on the couch for a cat-related tv show.
You can adopt me for $90 which includes my neuter, vaccinations, microchip, food and litter starter kit, and a free well-kitty checkup to help you get started.
You can tap here to fill out an Adoption Application or leave a message at 719-725-4970. Someone should get back to you during our adoption hours Wednesday – Sunday by 5 pm . If you need to contact someone more quickly, please call 719-362-4600 and we’ll do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.