

Kitty Admin





Adoption Fee


Hello, my friends! My name is Fritz, and I am a handsome, burly guy with short midnight fur and sage green eyes. I’m a distinguished, classy gentleman with a chiseled face and jaw, almost enough to put classic actors like Gene Kelly to shame!

I’m a Hemo Hero, having saved hundreds of other cats as a blood donor. Now I’m ready to retire and I am looking for my furever home to finally settle down and enjoy my golden years.

I am a total Kitty Admin, ready to greet all of your friends and guests, always ready for a petting session and some loving. If you need some good kitty therapy, I’m your guy ready with head-bonks, purrs, and cuddles!

My people at the shelter aren’t sure how I’ll do with dogs, but they think I might be okay with a gentle, cat-savvy dog with a slow introduction. I do well with other sweet, mellow or confident/indifferent cats (as long as I can lead the way). Really, I should fit in with just about any family!  My dream home would be with someone who’s able to hang out with me at home so we can spend our day snuggling, I will even allow being held and carried for a short time.

As for my hobbies, I am an excellent pastry chef, I am commended for my biscuit making technique! I usually accept my payment in the form of kisses.

Even though I am an older guy, I still love to play and won’t ever turn away from a string or a sparkling want toy!

I’m a mature kitty at about 13 years old. I have so much love to give to my new family, I’m sure we’d get along swell! I can be adopted for $60 which includes my neuter, vaccinations, microchips, food and litter starter kit, and a free well-kitty checkup to help you get started.

You can tap here to fill out an Adoption Application Someone should get back to you during our adoption hours Wednesday – Sunday by 5 pm. If you need to contact someone more quickly, please call 719-362-4600 and we’ll do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.