Hi world, I’m Bean! I’m an adorable little torbie lady with beautiful jade eyes. I came to Happy Cats when my people couldn’t care for me any more.
I’m a confident and affectionate cat who will probably your best little Kitty Admin once I get settled with my new family. I like to be in charge, so will love helping you organize your life according to my best tortie rules! I promise they come with lots of purrs and headbonks.
I’m still a youngster at about 4 years old, and can’t get enough playtime. I love kitty wands especially if I get to play with my favorite people!
I should do well with humans of all ages. My best friend in the past was another cat but then we were separated. I had bad experiences recently, but may be able to pal up again with another nice cat or dog as long as I can stay in my Safe Room for at least 2 weeks and have a slow and gentle introduction so I don’t get scared again. I will probably do fine as your One and Only too.
You can adopt me for $90 which includes my spay, vaccinations, microchip, food and litter starter kit, and a free well-kitty checkup to help you get started.
You can tap here to fill out an Adoption Application or leave a message at 719-725-4970. Someone should get back to you during our adoption hours Wednesday – Sunday by 5 pm . If you need to contact someone more quickly, please call 719-362-4600 and we’ll do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.