Dwight & Dolly are shy no more


Shy catolescents Chase and Angel proved to be a little too active for the older cat at their first home, so they got a second chance at Happy Cats.

Now called Dwight Meowkam and Dolly Pawton, they have really blossomed in their new home!

Their new catmom Kate says, “Dolly and Dwight are doing so well. It’s really hard to believe they had a “shy handling” sign on their door at Happy Cats. They are gregarious, vocal, and brave!

They’ve recently become much more brave and curious with visitors coming to our house, especially discovering that new people want to give them treats and pets!

Other than Churus, they love nothing more than chasing each other or a spring toy all over our house.
While they are still learning to love being picked up or hanging out on a lap, they are super affectionate in many other ways.
They make us laugh and provide us just as much emotional support as the other way around. We love them so much!”
Do you have a tale to tell about your Happy Cat? Tap here to send it to us for the website!

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